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“As a Kaurna and Nykina woman, and GOM Central Cultural Consultant I found all of these statistics really interesting and quiet alarming considering we nunga children are 37.3% of the total out-of-home care population, including foster care, but only 5.5%of the total population of children. And we are still counted to be over represented in the systems, eg education, removal from family language and culture and highly represented in the youth and adult justice system.

Growing up in care and raised by the white system had a profound effect on my identity, growing up in a care setting already makes you question yourself, life and reality. Then add on top of that a loss of connection to my lands, family and language. The first time I got told about my Aboriginal side was at 10 or 11 meeting my 4 siblings for the first time at rabbit proof fence in Western Australia, my old man was like “unnna this your mob” the first time in 10 or 11 years I had felt that connection to my lands and my dreamtime, something in my soul shifted. I do not look like an Aboriginal woman, so I would’ve never been in touch with my culture if my old man wasn’t a proud black fulla I’d probably never find out my culture. Red hair pasty girl, who lived and breathes through my connection with the land, seas, sprits and Elders.

Something that I want and need is for the non-Aboriginal peoples to stand with us not against us, white privilege is so real and continues to have an effect on us. Being present and aware of what has happened to Australia the lands and seas that belonged to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders pat present and future.”

– Brooke


Read more about Family Matters here.

GOM Central